Friday, October 26, 2012

Twenty Questions for Bobby Valentine

Hi, I'm Joe Derive and in our second interview -- we pour it on. Here it is in full.  Have fun!

In your opinion, what ultimately doomed the Red Sox in 2012?   

BOBBY: Well I tell ya.  The reality is that it was David Ortiz.  He burned us badly but faking an injury and then walking out on the team.  In addition Kevin Youkilis put a voodoo curse on the team forcing me to say stupid stuff to the press but oh that's not all.  Dice-K had a billion dollar arm but every time I said something like you stink he'd suddenly turn into a lousy pitcher.  It was miserable so was actually Marco Scutaro of the Giants.  He put a curse on the team.  Yup that's it.
            How many times did you play cribbage/trash-talk with Dustin Pedroia?

            Mostly he trash-talked to me when he was angry with me which of course formed a long line at the end of the day.  Actually I'm glad I had my door closed and blasted the Beach Boys and the Carpenters.  That really got me through a day.

            Have you ever heard of suspending a player for throwing a temper tantrum and why did Alfredo Aceves' behavior reach the point that he required that type of punishment?

            I talked with Alfredo and he doesn't remember throwing a desk nor acting badly and frankly neither do I.   Most of the time actually we talked Shakespeare and the TV series Charmed.  We're trying to start a petition to get the show made again with Shannon Dorothy.
              Who has more swag, David Ortiz or his son?

              Well, that depends on your definition of the word 'swag'.  Seriously what does swag mean???

              What happened between you and Kevin Youkilis, and what is the current state of your relationship?

              Well I tell you that is a great question.   Kevin and I talk all the time and he remembers those comments.  He actually told me to say that to the press to create dramatic stuff so that it would look like we were having friction but the reality is we have tea and crumpets every Sunday afternoon during our book club.  We're reading now Les Miserables in French.  It's fun.

              Which brand of antacid did you require during the season and at what point did you have to switch to the extra-strength version?

              I used to use antacid but now I just snort.  It's quicker.  Fortunately snorting didn't affect my behaviorrer...

              When you say that David Ortiz gave up on the season, do you feel like any other players also gave up on the team/season? If so, who and when? We want names.

              No problem for the guys who gave up the season, IMHO are the minority and are as follows:
              Kevin Youkilis, David Ortiz, Jon Lester, Josh Beckett, Clay Buckholz, West Middlebrooks, Alfredo Aceves, Kevin Youkilis again, Dustin Pedroia, Scott Atchidson, Jared Saltalamaccia, Cody Ross, Ben Cherington, John Henry, Larry the Leach, the entire Red Sox bullpen, John Lackey, Jacobe Ellsbury, Vincent Padella, Felix Dubront, Dice-K, ah...all the coaches and grounds crew, the vendors, the construction workers, the Mayor of Boston, the Governor of Massachusetts...

              Does John Henry always speak in that quiet, subdued voice? What does John Henry yelling sound like?

              John always talked in a horse voice, a scratchy voice...oh wait that's after he screams at me. 

              What was managing Josh Beckett like and why did it not work out for him in Boston?

              Josh loved me.  The problem was that Josh didn't love Boston.  He hated everyone on the team but me and I couldn't persuade him to stay despite the fact that every weekend we played golf.

              WEEI or 98.5 The Sports Hub?


              Considering the amount of injuries the team had, would it have been possible/how could the team have finished better than last in the AL East?

              If the team didn't have these injuries we'd be in the World Series sweeping the Giants.
              How hilarious would it have been to have you, Manny Ramirez and Pedro Martinez in the same clubhouse?

               It would be great.  We'd all get along fine.  I always wanted to shoot rocket launchers at the Green Monster at Fenway with Manny.  We'd have fun.

              What is it like to manage a losing, crabby team knowing you'll be fired? What helped you finish out the season?

              Well, it was hard of course.  Very hard.  What got me through it was reruns of Charmed. 

              Which players sent you text messages that made you cry? Which players never spoke to you again after the end of the season? We want names. And phone numbers. Possibly addresses as well.

              OK as far as the ones that made me cry -- only one.  The one where I read it and crashed my bike at Central Park.  That hurt.

              Players that never spoke to me again...actually you should put it as players who are STILL speaking to me.  Let me see...hmm.....I can't actually recall anyone either.

              How close is this Red Sox team to making the necessary attitude changes needed before becoming a winning organization once again?

               Oh...I would say....0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002% of the way.

              Would you consider doing a duet with Taylor Swift about your break-up with the Red Sox? We hear she's good at writing break-up songs.

              I would.  I was the one who got Taylor Swift started in the music business actually.  On the side I do record recording.  I find the stars.  I've given the world the talents of Paul Simon, Frank Sinatra, Mozart, Bach, you know the big names. 

              How much of the drama reported by the media this season actually happened? What can you flat out confirm and flat out deny?

              All of it didn't happen actually so that should wrap it up!

              Since you claim to have invented the wrap sandwiches, do you ask for free wraps when you go to restaurants that are not your own?

              Actually that's not true.  I invented the sandwich not the wrap so the question doesn't make sense.  You media types. 

               Would you still have applied to be the manager of the Boston Red Sox last season had you known then what you know now about the organization and the players on the Red Sox?

              Considering they didn't take advantage of my great talent or insight -- NO.

              I'm Joe Derive.

                Wednesday, October 24, 2012

                Valentine Talks

                Hi, I'm Joe Derive and today I got to talk to Bobby Valentine after his departure.  He's been pretty quiet so far but...

                BOBBY: Hey Joe.  Great to be here. 

                JOE [pausing]: Sorry...its just you haven't said anything, how are you doing?

                BOBBY: Fine now that it's over I can look back and deal with the pain.  It's better now.

                JOE: What would you say is the worst moment for you?

                BOBBY: David Ortiz.  After he learned the post season was over he gave up and killed the team. I guess its in his nature to destroy the hearts of every New England fan.

                JOE:You just can't help yourself can you Bobby?

                BOBBY:No, I prefer it this way...speak my mind with the right facts like the fact that the Middlebrook incident...never happened.

                JOE:But you said it did.  You admitted to it!

                BOBBY: Oh that was my twin brother Brobby.  He gets me in trouble all the time.

       it was 'BROBBY' that did the Middlebrooks incident.

                BROBBY: Hi Joe.  I'm Brobby.  Yes...and even though I look like Bobby you can tell us apart by what we say.  Brobby says insane things and BOBBY says sane things.

                JOE:So how can I tell you both apart?

                BOBBY:Look Joe.  Look at it this way.  BROBBY and BRORRY are two parts of many in a honed machine of greatness that was undermined by the Red Sox organization.

                JOE:So we have Bobby,Brobby and Brorry...anyone else?

                BRORRY: The rest are all too shy to talk.  You know how it is being from another dimension.

                JOE:Not really.  Insanity is something I've never related to.

                BAR-BAR: I'm Bar-Bar.  I was the one that yelled at Mike Aviles to shape up.  That was dumb as the players really called me on it.

                BOO-BOO: And I'm the one that said this is the worst September mess in history.

                BEE-BEE: I'm the one that insulted Youkilis.

                BY-BY: I'm the one that made a general fool of myself.

                JOE:OK...By-By and Boo-Boo and Bee-Bee and Bar-Bar and Brorry and Brobby and Bobby can I just talk to Bobby!

                BEE-BEE: OK

                Joe: One last question. Would you manage again.

                BOBBY: In a heartbeat.  I can bring my excellence as a manager to a variety of teams.  Imagine what I could do to the Yankees.

                JOE: I speak for every Red Sox fan and encourage you to pursue that avenue.  You will make a lot of Red Sox fans happy.

                BOBBY:I called them but they never called me back. 

                JOE:With that...I'm Joe Derive.

                Monday, October 22, 2012

                John Farrell meests Ben Cherington -- GET SMART

                John Farrell sat down with Ben after the blockbuster deal that sent John Farrell to Boston for Mike Aviles.  Ben sat down opposite the desk.

                BEN: I have to warn you John that in this organization, silence is the key.

                JOHN: O...K...but nobody is in this room.

                Ben scanned the room. His eyes were everywhere.

                BEN: OK...I'm satisified that we can lower the RAINING...CONE OF SILENCE!

                JOHN: Why is it...what?

                BEN: Think nothing of it Ben.  I'm in CHARGE.

                John rolls his eyes.  The Raining Cone Of Silence lowers.

                BEN:  Are we ready!

                JOHN: It's RAINING...I'm getting soaked!

                BEN: Of course it is.  The RAINING Cone of Silence is just that.  This way when it rains the drowning rain will hide our voices.

                JOHN: For heaven's Sake you idiot.  You just ruined my IPHONE!

                BEN: Well why didn't you add the CONTROL Waterproof covering.

                JOHN: Get me out of this thing before I KILL YOU.

                BEN:Oh, in that case I will.

                The CONE OF SILENCE raises leaving two waterlogged bodies starring at each other.

                BEN:John, I sense a little hostility here.

                JOHN: To THINK...I gave up the Blue Jays job for a total IDIOT! 

                BEN: I am not a TOTAL idiot John.  Remember Daniel Bard!

                John rolls his eyes thinking of how Bard was ruined by Ben's choices.

                BEN:OK would you believe I'm going to resign David Ortiz, injury and all, to a five year contract!  Would you believe it!

                JOHN: YES!

                BEN [confused]: You're supposed to say I find that hard to believe!

                JOHN: NOT WITH YOU IT ISN'T!

                BEN:Let's get down to business.  I have here the outline for pitching coach, bench coach, etc.  I have also laid out the team and your role.  I just want you to know you're in charge of management!

                JOHN: So I can't pick my own coaches?


                JOHN: I can't pick any of the players?

                BEN:Of course not.  That's my job.

                JOHN: I have to call you as you'll be managing the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                JOHN:Then what can I do?

                BEN:The most important part -- press conferences where you tell everyone you're in charge.  Boy are you an idiot!

                JOHN:Ben you talk and act like Maxwell Smart!

                BEN: I am NOT SMART!

                JOHN: Well we all know that.

                BEN:Anyway, remember you are in complete control...of nothing but don't tell them that.  They may think I'm in charge and even though I am in charge. we can't let anyone know that I'm in charge so you're in charge...even though you don't actually do anything but manage press it.

                John grabbed an aspirin but discovered it was soaked in his pocket.  He throws it away.

                BEN: Believe me John...with me in charge you'll see a Red Sox team like you can't even imagine!

                JOHN: I KNOW!

                BEN: Come on John, don't take it hard.  With Daniel Bard our number one starter, John Lester in the bullpen, David Ortiz catching and Cody Ross pitching we're sure to shock the baseball world.

                JOHN: I am NOT worried about that Ben for sure!

                BEN: Good then we can call it a day...unless you have any questions that you can't ask of course since you're not in charge.

                JOHN:No #$#$#$.

                Monday, October 8, 2012

                New Manager ????

                John Henry sat against his desk watching the breathing sounds of Ben Cherington and Larry.

                "OK, "said John.  "Who is our new manager."

                Ben got up, stood forward and said, 'would you believe John Farrell?"

                John Henry rubbed his temple.

                "Oh why do I do this job!"

                "Because you love it chief, "snapped Ben Cherington.  "And, "said Ben, "you love John Farrell."

                John tapped his pencil.

                "Let's look at the facts you two.  First, John Farrell ruined Lester with cutters making him a control pitcher.  Second, he added cutters to Josh Beckett and Josh was ruined.  Third, the Jays are a disaster...WHY?"

                Ben got up and adjusted his tie. "Because he fits our organizational profile!"

                "You mean total fiasco or utter disaster, "snapped John.

                "I still say we needed to give Bobby Valentine more time.  He's great and I am not apologizing for that!"

                John Henry rolled his eyes.

                "OK, so...we want a fiasco of a manager.  I got that.  How about Daffy Duck as the new pitching coach?"

                "He's not available, "snapped Ben. "But I did ask just in case. "

                "That's it both of you. You're FIRED!"

                "Now just a minute chief, let's look at the past and see the things I did..."

                John grits his teeth.

                "OK, well let's look at the present and see the things I did..."

                John growls.

                "OK well if you take the past and combine it with the present their is only ONE conclusion!"

                John smiles.

                "Just one question chief!"

                John said, "what!"

                "Do I get a severance package?"

                THE END

                Friday, October 5, 2012

                Valentine at Wallmart.

                Hi, I'm Joe Derive and I couldn't resist this.  I'm heading to the electronics section to pay a visit to their new salesperson.

                "Hi Bobby!"

                I watch as Bobby forces a smile on his face.

                "Hey Joe."

                I watched and almost felt sorry for him.  What's he doing here anyway?  The great Bobby Valentine, one day after being fired is working here.

                "Well, I bet you want to know what I'm doing here Joe."

                Ya, that crossed my mind.

                "Well, I tell ya, I felt...kind of down and I decided to head out to Wallmart and work with people...cheer me up.

                Well, that was...odd.  OK but I decided to make amends and bought a small phone for him to check out.  Kind of get him cheered up.

                "I'll take this phone Bobby."


                I watched as Bobby scanned it in and started typing information into the computer.

                "Nope...doesn't seem to work.  Hmm...maybe I'll wait to see if it gets better."

                Obviously the computer system was giving him problems.  I watched as he starred at the screen.  I waited.  I waited.  Meanwhile another customer was behind me.

                "Nope that doesn't seem to work.  Let me scan it in again."

                Obviously the computer system was giving him problems.  I watched as he scanned it in again and watched the screen.

                "I...I think I'll wait some more."

                Another customer was behind me making a total of two.  I honestly don't see what waiting was going to do for him. 

                "I'll contact someone...oh ya, they're all in meetings."

                I waited as yet a third customer was behind me.

                "Hmm...let me scan it in again.  That should do it. "

                I waited.

                "Doesn't seem to let me get past this screen.  Odd...let me wait and see if it gets better."

                I waited.  Now a total of four customers were behind me and I started smelling their breaths.

                "Doesn't seem to let me get past this screen.  Odd, let me wait and see if it gets better."

                "I can come back. "I said as I listened to an endless advertisement for Sleeping Beauty in the background.

                "No, Joe...let me scan it in again.  I think it will fix itself magically this time.  Yes, unfortunately everyone is in a meeting.  I can scan it in again."

                I waited.

                "No, no luck.  Doesn't let me get past this screen. This is very odd.  I just hate to have you come back."

                "Hey Valentine, you're as good at this as you are a manager -- no wait..."

                "Just a minute sir and thank you for your patience.  I'll be right with you, "came Bobby's reply to the obnoxious customer.

                "No, that doesn't seem to be working.  Odd, I wait and I wait and I get nowhere. "

                "Ya how'd that work for ya on the Red Sox, "snapped another customer.

                "Hey calm down. The man got fired and is working here.  Isn't that enough humiliation for one afternoon!"  I said defending Bobby.

                I felt very proud of myself for my actions.

                "Boy...Joe...this is a mystery.  Let me reboot the machine."

                I waited and waited hearing beeps and clicks.

                "Bad sector...what's a sector?  I guess it's OK.  It's telling me to insert disc and press enter.  I have a music CD here. I'll put that in."

                I waited as Bobby shoved the disc into the drive.

                "Still tells me to hit return and I put a disc in.  This is odd.  Perhaps it needs more time.  Machines can be strange things.  "

                "Bobby, I can just do this another time."

                By now all the customers had left.  I saw Bobby stare endlessly at the screen.  I felt sorry for the man.

                "Joe...I just realized something.  I have NO idea what I'm doing here."

                Oh Bobby, we understand all too well.

                I'm Joe Derive

                Wednesday, October 3, 2012

                Bobby V crashes bike

                Hi, I'm Joe Derive.

                In NYC, Bobby Valentine crashed his bike while reading a text message from Dustin Pedroia.  Bobby had this to say:

                "I think it was OK to read a text message while trying to avoid crashing into people as long as you have your helmet on.  Gee, I wonder why the Darwin awards called me the other day.  I read that while driving before I crashed into a telephone poll."

                This is already Bobby's 59th injury since joining the team.   Here are his most famous:

                In Baltimore, Bobby Valentine was injured while sharpening his knife.

                "I think it was OK to aim the knife towards my body while rubbing it on the sharpening stone.  It wasn't my fault I drove it into my finger so easily. "

                In LA Bobby Valentine was injured while running his belt sander sanding a piece of wood.

                "I like sanding wood and I was wearing a very loose sweater.  It's not my fault the sweater got caught on the belt and got sucked right into the machine.  Fortunately I wasn't hurt too bad. "

                In Boston, Bobby Valentine was injured while chopping some wood.  

                "I aimed the axe at my leg to give me a target but I really was aiming for the wood.  It was a smart thing to do despite the emergency room visit from a semi-amputated leg.  Darwin awards keep calling me. "

                In Seattle, Bobby was helping a friend get rid of spiderwebs.  Using a propane torch it made it very easy for Bobby to burn the webs.  Sadly he burned some near the gas heater.  Fire extinguishers are a good thing apparently.

                "I forgot that propane burns and I guess that wasn't too smart but it was so effective.  I won't do that again.  Hold on I have a call from the Darwin awards." 

                I'm Joe Derive

                Tuesday, October 2, 2012

                Get Smart -- AGAIN and AGAIN

                John Henry sat stoic and confused in a hotel room with Ben Cherington sitting across from him.  The point of the meeting -- new management.

                Just waiting to ensure chief that security is imposed.  We don't want our enemies learning our secrets!

                Ben, we're in last place, the worst record in the American league with a bloated payroll and shameful performances from everyone -- I wouldn't worry about it.

                You can't be too careful chief!

                You're not going to stop calling me chief are you?

                Now chief, I can't call you by your real name -- security you know!

                For once that makes sense.  Being in the same room with you is too shameful for words.  OK Ben...

                Ah...ya...OK.  Now about our new manager.  John Farrell. The Jays will take as compensation Will Middlebrooks and Clay Buckholz.  Managed to make sure they wouldn't take Daniel Bard...but that's our little secret.

                So, you want to give up an all star third baseman and a terrific pitcher...for a manager that has a record that's almost as bad as ours.

                Chief, don't be so glum.  Moves like that will guarantee a new chapter in the Red Sox!

                Oh I have no doubt of that you idiot.  Come on Ben, I don't want to look at more stupid than I already am at the moment!  Pick someone else!

                Tim Bogar!

                Who has the worst record in the league? NO NO NO NO NO

                Are you trying to tell me something chief?

                I knew it.

                The old General Manager in a gorilla suit.  That's the second time you pulled that off Theo.

                OK you got me.

                I knew it.  How could you possibly be so dumb.  I happened to be an expert in dumb!

                The truth comes out.

                Its' not like that former chief.  I was simply...


                would you believe testing out a new gorilla suit.

                I find that hard to believe.

                How about a costume party?


                OK you win John.  I was spying on you but for a reason.  I needed help.

                Aren't you ashamed of yourself Theo.  You could have used your gorilla suit for good...instead of evil!

                Well you haven't gotten me yet.  You just watch.  In five years the Cubs will be winning their first championship with a sweep, a sweep of the World Series.  Would you believe that?

                That's like saying that Ben Cherington and Theo Epstein are smart.
                 Theo, Ben
                Very funny.

                Goodness, I just realized something -- you two are identical twins.

                Not true.  We think totally different from each other.

                Ben, Theo:
                Stop repeating everything I say.

                Ben, Theo:
                I said stop it

                Ben, Theo:
                You are not a part of this team!

                Ben, Theo:
                I feel like I'm talking to myself!

                Ben, Theo:
                Stop it before I go insane!

                Ben, Theo:
                Say one more word...

                Ben, Theo:
                Julio Lugo!

                Ben, Theo:
                Eric Gagne

                Ben, Theo:
                The OPS is the ONLY number you need to evaluate a player.

                How did we ever win two world series?  How!

                Ben, Theo:
                Stop thinking like me.

                Ben, Theo:
                I am not thinking like you.

                ENOUGH.  YOu're fired Ben Cherington.  FIRED, FIRED, FIRED.

                Ben, Theo:
                You can't fire me chief/former chief.  Without me you wouldn't have had the talent of...ah...err...ah...

                I rest my case.

                THE END

                Monday, October 1, 2012

                Arnie teaches Lugo geography

                OK Julio.  How about some geography?


                Great, look on this map and find a country!


                Arnie (rubbing eyes)
                That's a continent.

                Oh ya, I meant CONTINENT!

                No...FIND a might live in one!

                Ah...oh ya...Atlantic ocean.

                Lugo...never mind.  OK find a country!

                OK...Atlantic ocean!

                NO...United States, France, India...get it?

                ah...not really!

                OK...find an ocean...that should be easy.  REMEMBER, it HAS to have the word 'OCEAN' in it.

                Stop yelling will you!  OK..Artic circle?

                IT HAS TO HAVE O-C-E-A-N in it...GET IT!

                right!  Africa!

                NO OCEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Oh I get it.  Gee sorry Arnie...ah...Lake Ontario.

                Great...just great Lugo.  You don't know what a country is and despite the fact you have the word 'OCEAN' in it you find a LAKE.

                (Arnie pauses and gulps some beer)

                OK find a the one you played in!

                Oh man...Atlantic ocean?

                Arnie (screaming)
                ARE YOU INSANE!  You played for the Red know the BLANK Red Sox.

                Oh you can swear Arnie.  You don't need to use the word BLANK.

                Arnie (Kicking chair)
                BOSTON, you played in BOSTON!

                But that's a country right?

                Ya...a country.  Sure, got it.  OK country.

                Doing good.

                Goodness, find a mountain.  You know like the name of the mountain thats' the tallest in the world?


                Arnie strikes head against table.

       is Rio a MOUNTAIN.  It has to have the name of the mountain IN IT!

                Man you got a temper Arnie.  Sickening.  OK, so no...ah...ATLANTIC Moutain!

       for it.

                Now we find a river.  Help me.

                Oh ya like...Africa?

                Arnie (long pause)
       is a large piece of land...a river?  How?

                I wondered that too since it doesn't have the word River in it.  What's a river?

                Arnie (mumbling -- nobody can be this dumb)
                OK...find a RIVER, A RIVER...damn why do I keep tutoring you!

                Because...I pay you $200 a session?

                It's NOT ENOUGH...Ok find a river!

                Got it...Lake Michigan!

                HOW...How do you do this. I'm gonna cry, go insane...I can't TAKE IT.

                What's wrong with Lake Michican...oh ya its a lake.  Got it.

                Lugo...that was such a beautiful moment.  Good job!

                Oh ya...Like Huron.  That's a river.

                Ya, RiverLake...sure...excuse me.  I have to kill myself.

                OH but hurry back.


                Get SMART...NOT

                John Henry sat down against his plush chair and leaned back.  Starring at him were Larry Luchhiano and Ben Cherington.

                WHERE is Bobby Valentine?  It's been an hour and the Liverpool game is on?

                Don't know.  It was only a twenty minute drive to the park.  Don't get it.

                Hey I was thinking pizza and beer.

                Larry, what has pizza and beer got to do with anything?

                My brain gets hungry on an empty stomach.

                (MEANWHILE -- Bobby Valentine in his car)

                Rerouting.  Take exit 12...

                Bobby V:
                Dammit, I'm in New Hampshire.  Stupid GSP...or GPOS...GRRRR

                Take exit 12...NOT exit 14...what are you Bobby Valentine?

                Bobby V:
                Crap...I did it again!  I can't believe it.  Now it's exit 14 and I was supposed to take Exit 12.

                Take exit 14...oh I give up...

                Bobby V:
                What exit?  I don't see an exit sign...oh that one!

                (MEANWHILE -- back in John Henry's office.)

                We'll he's fired anyway.  Ben...are we still salivating over John Farrell...the man who took the Blue Jays and barely made them better than us?

                Yes, yes we are chief because...

                Stop calling me CHIEF!

                I didn't finish.  I meant to say that John Farrell is as sure a bet, as SURE a bet as Eric Gagne.  I promise you!

                I'm SURE HE IS.  Larry!

                I told you Bobby Valentine would be great.  After all Ben's first choice is leading the Chicago Cubs into the cellar.  Can you imagine 90 LOSSES?  That's pathetic.

                John (leaning forward)
                I don't have to!  The Sox HAVE 90 losses.

                Don't take it hard Larry.  Just remember that when it comes to winning, I'm the man.

                John (reaching for medicine)
                OK who do we have that can cut it?

                Gee Chief, you sure do get a lot of headaches lately!

                I WONDER WHY!

                That's not very nice. Would you believe that the Sox, under MY leadership will win 100 games, would you believe that -- 100 games.

                I find that hard to believe!

       believe 80 games?

                Not really!

                How about 15 wins out of mercy!

                John (getting up)
                Oh why do I have such idiots running the show.  We were lucky that the Dodgers got suckered into our quartet of fools.  To think we found someone more STUPID than you two!

                Calm down chief.

                STOP CALLING ME CHIEF!  This is NOT control headquarters and we are not fighting KAOS!!!!

                OK, here is my plan!  JULIO LUGO!

                John and Larry:
                ARE YOU INSANE?

       about Tony Stark?  He's analytical, smart...

                Hold's Bobby Valentine. 

                MAINE!  How in heck did you wind up in...never mind.

                You need a passport?  Bobby that's CANADA! 

                Ya now it makes sense doesn't it.  Man Bobby you missed our meeting...oh well we fired you anyway. 

                No that's the Atlantic ocean.  Don't into it.  IGNORE the GPS. 

                Ya that's right.  Flooding will happen when you drive into the ocean.  Have fun!

                John (hanging up phone)
                You two sort it out.  I need some intelligent people to talk to!

                But we're here.

                John (leaving room)

                Boy John looks worn out.  He used to have totally black hair.

                Hu?  I remember him with a full set of white hairs.

                Oh ya, you joined two weeks later.

                THE END